Social Roma: il saluto di Szczesny ai tifosi giallorossi Redazione | 3 Luglio 2017 Il saluto di Szczesny ai tifosi della Roma: Just realised that June has finished and I am no longer a player of AS Roma. 2 years of representing this club has given me a great joy and pride! I can't thank enough the club for the opportunity I was given here, coaching staff for helping me grow as a player, my team mates for all the great moments and victories we shared and the fans for always supporting and getting behind the team. To all of you I will forever be greatful! Thank You and Forza Roma 💛❤️ Un post condiviso da Wojciech Szczesny (@wojciech.szczesny1) in data: 3 Lug 2017 alle ore 07:57 PDT