I said it after the derby. Be careful not to let your guard down, to the usual drops in concentration. But then I understand that this is an old story, said and repeated, that we have been carrying for too long. Players, coaches, managers and presidents pass by. And only when people with the right winning mentality arrived did certain things change.
Yesterday was the worst Roma game of the year, only the week before the best of the year. Many balls lost in midfield, many counterattacks suffered by Sassuolo, a shocking performance. Three goals taken in the first half, another instead in the second half: an unwatchable and distant Rome relative of that seen last Sunday against Lazio.
Just underestimated the opponent? Mental issue, says Fonseca. But who does it depend on? who should motivate them? who puts them on the pitch? Evidently he had not understood how Sassuolo plays, an offensive team that starts again quickly with many. Top in every department. Mancini, Cristante and Santon, the worst ever for the many mistakes. But also all the others. Perhaps Spinazzola is the one who is most committed, and Dzeko the most frustrated by the behavior of his teammates.
A terrible 2020 so far. Another opportunity thrown away, to stay hooked to the top three. Luckily Atalanta’s draw, but the rest of the front are now unattainable. Fourth place is at risk. There will be a battle with the Atalanta players, but if we continue to lose points so there is a risk that we will be sucked in by those who pursue us. All that remains is to beat Bologna in advance before the Europa League with Gent.
Not to mention the January market window, which brings three young men of good hopes, but not ready immediately. Not to mention Kalinic, the deputy Dzeko but who never plays, even when nobody is there. But what is it for? Why didn’t they get anyone, perhaps liked by the technician? Meanwhile, our former full back-captain has suddenly risen in Valencia. On dry loan. I see a Petrachi a little confused, or simply related to certain market dynamics. We’ll see. Meanwhile, let’s move! Always Forza Roma.