When I saw El Flaco on the starting lineup I had no doubt he would score. And Javier Pastore did it again. No backheel this time, but a quick feet play and shot well placed. That’s Pastore for you, so much quality but only for part of the game.
Ranieri knows what he can get from the player, he also knows his weaknesses. Flaco is not really for tackling or chasing the opposition, he needs to roam around in that part of the pitch, so no extra tasks. Hig goal gave Roma a big boost only a bit after after Fazio gave Roma the lead in the first few minutes. Game over.
Under Ranieri, the new tight backline seems more solid and confident, I never felt threatened. Roma were very close to score again several times, until did only a few minutes to go. All under control. Nice and relaxed, for once.
Another three points, we are there, but the competition is fierce. Milan, Atalanta, Lazio and Torino, all in contention. Any small mistake and you might pay dearly. With Conte rumours around, Claudio is by far a gentlemen if he’s really going to the airport to pick him up! Daje Claudio, Daje Roma!