A bewildering performance. Lazio deserved to win the derby. With the minimum effort. Easy when you do not have an opposition to play against. Roma did not enter the field. Did not play, simple as that. Disappointment and anger. A derby game to forget immediately.
As if the 7-1 shambles vs. Fiorentina was not enough. This is what has been going on since the beginning of the season last summer. Ups and down, highs and lows. We had far too many glimpses of this shambolic performances. Lately, the games against Bologna and Frosinone where we luckily got the 3 points, yet showed clear signs of playing crisis. Slow movements, sluggish, no stamina, no will, no team play. No game plan. And so, Lazio had it easy, exploiting all these weaknesses on the pitch.
The situation is not rosey now. At all. The golden chance of getting rid of Lazio, catching Milan and Inter, all vanished. 4th place is still all to play for but we doubt everything, given current form. All clearly guilty. Coach, players, club. Each one for his responsibilities. We all noticed this situation long ago, lots of clues but no changes. No signings in January, but Luca Pellegrini sent to Cagliari for free instead. Crazy. And then lots of mysterious injuries, lots tactical misunderstandings.
And now, here we are, at the last round. All of thv sudden, Porto becomes crucial, deciding the fate of Eusebio Di Francesco but mainly what will happen at Roma. If fail to progress to the quarter finals, Roma risk to collapse to the ground. it will be the end. For Monchi, for Di Francesco and possibly for some in the board room. Several players will have to go. It will be a revolution. Another one. Simple as that. Sad but true.
We will be at the Dragao Stadium in Porto on Wednesday. Hope for the right reasons. We don’t want to be witness of any final act. We want Roma to react, to give 200%, to fight til the end. To show they have balls and they are ready to defend the jersey and the colours. That’s what matters for the fans. If you show you’re giving your best the fans will always forgive you any bad result. So, despite everything, c’mon and Forza Roma! As always!