Roma stunned Genoa by raising that famous bar that serves to look ahead with confidence. And it will certainly not be the negative outcome of the Diawara case appeal that will affect the team’s positive trend. Ultimately it is only one point. At the Marassi stadium we saw a Roma in great shape, overflowing in the first half. The team is doing well from a physical and mental point of view. A demonstration of strength and character thanks above all to exceptional performers like Miki and Pedro, who convey that desire to win that we haven’t seen for a long time. Mkhitaryan was bang on scoring an incredible hattrick.
At present, as already mentioned above, Roma must not be afraid of anyone and can play for the upper table of the league. The great concern and the great unknown comes from the virus. There are many players found positive in Serie A and among these there are also Roma players. In addition to Diawara and Calafiori, now also Dzeko, Pellegrini, Santon and Fazio. And there will probably be others in the long run. The situation is also worrying for the regular conduct of the championship, which remains at high risk.
It would be good if the protocols were respected by players and clubs, fair and loyal behavior is needed, respecting the rules dictated by the competent health authorities, but that they are also clear and realistic. We must set a good example, exemplary penalties for those who think are smart. It applies to everyone, for the good of all. The international break now risk becoming a boomerang, with related trips and so on. Definitely avoidable. Only united we can come come out of it Strength and courage.