Power of heavy pressing, compact and crush. Roma is a war machine, all fighters at the service for one common goal. All equal. One worth one. The players might change but not the result: yesterday El Shaarawy, today Gerson. It is not so much about the the type of formation, but the work of EDF on the head of the players. All working for a common cause, ready to run, ready to sweat and get the results.
Contrary to his predecessor, Eusebio has brought these values into the team and made all the players feel equally important. El Sharaawy was not just thrown onto the pitch to save the shack when things did not work. Gerson this time has not been sent into an unknown ground, they believed and waited until he was ready phisically and mentally to deliver. But not just these two players. Let’s take Diego Perotti, another emblem of this cultural revolution labelled EDF. Sublime technique, one of the few to go past players like skittles, when he finds the goal he becomes a phenomenal player.
Roma beat Fiorentina because it has never give up, despite Fiorentina creating some problems in some stretches of the match, we have always felt that this team would bring the three points home in some ways. And so it was. After the home defeat agaist Napoli something happened. The team got up and started to believe again. This is another big maturity test. Meanwhile, we gnawed two points right at Napoli and Inter. The championship is long, and will see in January what’s on the table. The important thing is to stay right behind the train.
Now it’s International duties break, then we will re-start with fireworks: the Derby della Capitale. To crash Lazio we need this team, exactly as it is now. ALL UNITED TO REACH OUR GOAL. DAJE ROMA!
Stefano @ASROMA.IE