It’s our duty to begin with the Strootman case. Appeal granted. But there was need to get here? Now let’s take action against who suspended him, that is the judge! The case did not exist, we all knew apart from who those makes these decisions, let’s explain the rules to him. A decision based on nothing, outrageous, a ruling that there was not to be. Those who make these mistakes should be fired. No concession was made here, no favour, only justice. As it should be. Kevin Strootman will be playing with Milan and Juve.
The game last night: Scoreless. Not brilliant, actually very boring. Incredibly also Astra goes through as second. So, not much to say, almost nothing happens, those who played alongside some youngsters like Iturbe did not show anything. On the contrary. Iturbe is just hopeless, we feel sorry at this stage. Vermaelen the only one on a positive note, back in shape, but not for Peres, El Sharaawy and Gerson who have done very little.
Another note: The approximately 500 fans who followed the team in Bucharest, with great cheer supporting the team. We would like to comment on the alleged whistles and the alleged interruption of the minute of silence for the Chape players. It was reported “fast” by all the national press. All false. The media hurried to write ultra ‘shame and so on, and we nearly had believed it…
It would have been appalling to bump the memory of who died tragically. But things did not go this way. Well, some of our Club Dublin members told us that a, Astra fan from the stands yelled something during the minute of silence, and some roma fans booed the guy who yelled. Whatever happened after with the skirmishes were for the stewards and the police who used spray chilli pepper spray long range to hit the nostrils, after another Astra fan had stolen a Roma banner. It should be clear to everyone: Don’t blindly believe what is written in the media, we do not say that there is a conspiracy, but surely there is someone who is looking forward attacked Roma fans anytime they can. We hope that all of us understand that certain things need to be well evaluated before people write nonsense. Let’s see if any newspaper today make an apology.
Stefano Sale @ ASROMA.IE